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White House invites Baker school superintendent to talk about keeping kids in class

White House invites Baker school superintendent to talk about keeping kids in class
City of Baker Schools Superintendent James Stroder will visit the White House this week to talk about the progress the district has made in keeping students in school.

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Baker Schools Superintendent James Stroder has been invited to the White House to discuss the district's success in reducing chronic absenteeism. The "Every Day Counts Summit" will focus on addressing chronic absenteeism and increasing student engagement. Stroder and representatives from LSU Social Research & Evaluation Center will share evidence-based strategies with other education leaders. The event will feature Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona and Domestic Policy Advisor Neera Tanden. Stroder attributes the success of Baker High School to initiatives that reduced chronic absence by 40 percent and improved overall attendance from 70 percent to 90 percent.

