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White House cements CISA's role as national coordinator for security and resilience

White House cements CISA's role as national coordinator for security and resilience
A new memorandum clarifies CISA's role in coordinating security and resilience for the critical infrastructure landscape, barring two notable exceptions.

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President Obama's 2013 Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) on Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience laid the groundwork for the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to protect critical infrastructure from cyber threats. In April 2024, President Joe Biden signed a new directive reinforcing CISA's role, but it did not update the list of critical infrastructure industries. The original list of sixteen industries remains unchanged, despite recommendations to include space and bioeconomy industries. CISA's role has been more clearly defined, with the agency now responsible for coordinating security and resilience efforts across critical infrastructure agencies. While the new directive falls short in addressing changes in critical infrastructure, it is an important step in securing the nation overall.

