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USTR Must Get Serious About Protecting Intellectual Property Rights

USTR Must Get Serious About Protecting Intellectual Property Rights
America’s top trade rep needs to make sure that our trading partners are keeping their word.

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In a recent report released by the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR), the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has expressed concerns over the omission of key shortcomings in several countries' intellectual property (IP) frameworks. The report fails to address issues related to patent and copyright protections in countries such as Colombia, Mexico, China, and India. The Chamber believes that USTR's policy of declining to call out countries for exercising Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) flexibilities undermines the severity of these challenges. The Chamber emphasizes the importance of enforcing trade commitments and calls for USTR to engage in critical trade issues to protect America's intellectual property in the global knowledge economy.

