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UN – Security Council meeting on the situation in Rafah (28 May 2024)

UN – Security Council meeting on the situation in Rafah (28 May 2024)
The Security Council will hold an emergency meeting today on the situation in Rafah. In light of the seriousness of the situation, France (…)

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The United Nations Security Council will convene an emergency meeting to address the escalating situation in Rafah. France has called for a new resolution in response to the Israeli strikes that have resulted in the deaths of many displaced persons. President Macron has expressed outrage at the attacks and called for them to cease in accordance with the International Court of Justice. Additionally, France is urging the Security Council to allow the UN to take an active role in the Gaza Strip to address the immediate needs of the population and support Palestinian governance. This meeting comes at a critical time as efforts are made to address the ongoing crisis in Rafah.

