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U.S. Trade Missions Are a Key Element in Foreign Policy

U.S. Trade Missions Are a Key Element in Foreign Policy
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The United States has long used international trade as part of its foreign policy, from strengthening alliances to imposing trade sanctions on hostile governments. One less visible tool in the international trade policy toolkit is trade missions, overseas trips by government officials and business representatives organized by the International Trade Administration (ITA) within the U.S. Department of Commerce. In September 2023, a trade mission set up by the ITA visited Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, with a focus on cybersecurity solutions. The U.S. Commerce Department described the Asia mission as a way to deepen commercial ties with the U.S. in cybersecurity and other critical emerging technologies. Companies looking to expand into overseas markets would do well to look at participating in trade missions, as it provides access to commercial customers and foreign military sales. Understanding the culture of the countries in which you wish to sell is also key to success in international markets. SealingTech, a company that provides cybersecurity solutions, has participated in trade missions to Romania and Poland and has been invited to the Eurasia Trade Winds trade mission in May. They aim to provide interoperable capability for government, private, and coalition organizations to provide freedom and security within the cyber domain.

