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TikTok to label AI-generated images, video

TikTok to label AI-generated images, video
SAN FRANCISCO, May 9 — TikTok said today it would start using a technology aimed at helping it label images and video generated by artificial intelligence (AI) and uploaded to the video sharing service. TikTok said it would adopt “Content Credentials”, a digital watermark that denotes how images were created

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TikTok to use technology to label AI-generated content

TikTok has announced that it will be implementing a new technology to label images and videos created by artificial intelligence (AI) on its platform. The technology, known as "Content Credentials", was developed by Adobe and has already been adopted by other companies such as OpenAI. The move comes amid concerns that AI-generated content could be used to spread misinformation during the upcoming United States elections. TikTok, along with other tech companies, has pledged to fight against this. The system will require both the AI tool maker and the platform to agree to use the industry standard in order for it to work. TikTok, which is owned by China's ByteDance, has 170 million users in the United States and is currently facing legal challenges regarding its ownership. The platform already labels AI-generated content made within the app, but this new move will apply the label to content generated outside of the service. Adam Presser, head of operations and trust and safety at TikTok, stated that they have policies in place to remove any realistic AI-generated content that is not labeled.

