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The U.S. Should Stop Playing the Victim Over China Trade

The U.S. Should Stop Playing the Victim Over China Trade
Washington can accept reality and shift strategies.

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The U.S. has implemented new tariffs on Chinese imports, citing unfair trade practices. However, the U.S. needs to accept the reality that China has outcompeted them in the battery and electric vehicle sectors. The U.S. should focus on finding a way forward that balances national security with the energy transition, rather than portraying itself as a victim. The U.S. is seeking to diversify supply chains and boost competitiveness, but faces challenges due to political polarization and the power of lobby groups. The U.S. should consider learning from China's strategies and engage with international partners to address the challenge. The U.S. must acknowledge that innovation is no longer its core comparative advantage in this sector and work towards diversifying supply chains and addressing geopolitical objectives. These measures are necessary to secure the U.S. and global security.

