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The Latest on Southeast Asia: U.S. Tech Investments in ASEAN | The Latest on Southeast Asia | CSIS

The Latest on Southeast Asia: U.S. Tech Investments in ASEAN | The Latest on Southeast Asia | CSIS
U.S. tech giants are keenly aware of Southeast Asia’s strategic importance and are strengthening their regional presence with huge investment pledges from Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon in recent weeks.

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U.S. Tech Giants Invest Billions in Southeast Asia

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is the world's fastest-growing online market, with 125,000 new internet users daily. U.S. tech giants are taking notice and are making significant investments in the region. Apple CEO Tim Cook announced a $250 million expansion of the company's Singapore campus, focusing on AI, and plans to increase investments in Vietnam and explore manufacturing opportunities in Indonesia. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella also made big announcements, including a $1.7 billion investment in Indonesia, the opening of a data center in Thailand, and a $2.2 billion investment in Malaysia. Amazon Web Services (AWS) committed $9 billion to expand its cloud infrastructure in Singapore. These investments will not only boost regional economies but also shape rules on data governance and AI. U.S. tech companies are betting big on the digital future of Southeast Asia.

