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Remittances and FDI: Harmonizing Zimbabwe's economic strategies for sustainable growth

Remittances and FDI: Harmonizing Zimbabwe's economic strategies for sustainable growth
Zimbabwe's economy stands at a critical juncture, grappling with deep-seated challenges such as systemic unemployment, volatile currency fluctuations, and an un...

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Zimbabwe's economy is facing significant challenges, including high unemployment, currency fluctuations, and an uncertain business climate. Remittances from the diaspora have become a crucial source of external liquidity, comprising nearly 7% of the national GDP. While these funds have provided relief to many households, they are limited in their capacity to drive long-term economic growth. To achieve sustainable and robust growth, Zimbabwe must harmonize the benefits of remittances with a targeted approach toward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). FDI offers a pathway to broader economic transformation by injecting capital into infrastructure development, promoting technology transfer, and stimulating job creation. To attract meaningful FDI, Zimbabwe must create a business-friendly environment, strengthen its financial infrastructure, diversify its economic base, and engage with its diaspora community. By implementing policies that encourage both remittances and FDI, Zimbabwe can build a robust and diversified economy, providing the stability and growth necessary for a prosperous future.

