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Remarks by National Economic Advisor Lael Brainard on the Tax Debate Ahead | The White House

Remarks by National Economic Advisor Lael Brainard on the Tax Debate Ahead | The White House
At The Hamilton Project As Prepared for Delivery Following the economic devastation during the pandemic, the U.S. economy has come back strong. After inheriting an economy with millions out of work and a surge in prices from broken supply chains, the President secured major legislation that has resulted in the best labor market in 50…

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National Economic Advisor Lael Brainard recently spoke at The Hamilton Project about the upcoming tax debate. Brainard highlighted the economic recovery following the pandemic, emphasizing the President's plan to grow the economy from the middle out and bottom up. The debate will center around whether to return to the Republicans' trickle-down approach or continue with the President's proven plan. Brainard criticized the Republican plans for favoring the wealthy and exacerbating the national debt. The President's approach focuses on tax fairness, raising revenue, ensuring corporations pay their fair share, and avoiding an international race to the bottom on tax. As the tax debate looms, the differences between the two approaches are clear, with the President's focus on giving working people a fair shot and lowering deficits by asking the wealthy and big corporations to pay their fair share.

