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Reflecting on the implications of artificial intelligence for international development - Post Courier

Reflecting on the implications of artificial intelligence for international development - Post Courier
This is an edited extract from the keynote address delivered by Laurel Miller, President and CEO of The Asia Foundation, at the 2023 Australasian AID Conference dinner, December 6, 2023.Just over a year ago, ChatGPT and other generative artificial intelligence (AI) systems burst into our collective consciousness. Although AI’s analytical and predictive powers are already widely employed, the ability of new generative models to create novel content is altogether different.

Table of Contents

In a keynote address at the 2023 Australasian AID Conference dinner, Laurel Miller, President and CEO of The Asia Foundation, discussed the impact of generative artificial intelligence (AI) systems on developing countries and development practices. Miller highlighted the potential for AI to revolutionize development by enhancing efficiency and effectiveness in various sectors, such as public health, education, and disaster response. However, she also expressed concerns about the exacerbation of existing inequalities, ethical questions related to data privacy, and the potential for AI to automate traditional jobs. Miller emphasized the need for careful consideration of the risks associated with AI and the development of responsible policy and regulatory capacity. She also called for increased dialogue and collaboration within the development community to address the unique implications of AI for developing countries. Finally, Miller stressed the importance of leveraging AI to address development challenges while being mindful of the attendant risks and the need for adequate safeguard measures.

