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Populists could give Germany Trumpian foreign policy - Asia Times

Populists could give Germany Trumpian foreign policy - Asia Times
Recent political developments in Germany, highlighted by the boycott of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy's speech to the Bundestag by lawmakers

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The recent political developments in Germany have raised concerns about potential shifts in the country's foreign policy and its stance on the Ukraine conflict. The boycott of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s speech to the Bundestag by lawmakers from the Alternative for Germany (AfD) and Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) parties has underscored significant geopolitical ramifications for Europe. The AfD and BSW have capitalized on growing public discontent with the current government’s support for Ukraine and aggressive climate policies, leading to electoral gains. If these parties continue to gain influence, we could see a reduction in military support for Ukraine, a reassessment of NATO relations, and a shift in Germany’s foreign policy. This could have ripple effects across Europe, potentially strengthening peace-oriented coalitions, fracturing EU unity, and increasing Russian leverage. The rise of these parties signals a broader reevaluation of geopolitical alliances and strategies, potentially leading to a redefinition of extremism and new diplomatic efforts. These developments could significantly alter Europe’s approach to the Ukraine conflict and reshape the continent’s geopolitical landscape.

