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Pope Francis calls for wisdom in the face of artificial intelligence -

Pope Francis calls for wisdom in the face of artificial intelligence -
As artificial intelligence becomes more prevalent, it is worth reflecting on the words of Pope Francis in his message for World Communications Day. The pope addressed how much this new intelligence can offer to humanity, but also considered its downsides.

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Pope Francis Addresses Artificial Intelligence in World Communications Day Message

In his message for World Communications Day, Pope Francis reflects on the increasing prevalence of artificial intelligence and its impact on humanity. The pope emphasizes the need for wisdom and discernment in the development and use of AI, raising questions about the ethical issues surrounding the technology. He calls for a spiritual approach to viewing reality and warns against the temptation to rely too heavily on AI, urging people to embrace their vulnerability as humans. Pope Francis places the responsibility for the use of AI in the hands of humanity, emphasizing the need for wisdom and discernment as we move forward in a world that will rely on artificial intelligence more and more.

