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Mike Pompeo and Archons to discuss matters surrounding faith and geopolitics in Athens | Orthodox Times (en)

Mike Pompeo and Archons to discuss matters surrounding faith and geopolitics in Athens | Orthodox Times (en)
For the first time in history, the Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate are traveling to Athens this week to participate in the Fourth International Conference of the Archons for Religious Freedom. This landmark event, scheduled for May 26-28, 2024, will concentrate on pressing topics such as human rights, democracy, and…

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The Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate are making history by traveling to Athens for the Fourth International Conference of the Archons for Religious Freedom. The conference, taking place from May 26-28, 2024, will focus on human rights, democracy, and religious freedom, and will feature speakers such as former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vilnius, Gintaras Grušas. The agenda will address critical issues, including the treatment of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the rising tide of authoritarianism. The conference is co-chaired by Archon Athanasios Martinos and Archon Dr. Antonios Lyberakis, who will lead the inaugural International Archons Conference following the event. The Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate are dedicated to protecting religious freedom and ensuring the future of the historic spiritual center of over 300 million Orthodox Christians worldwide.

