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Innovative Strategy Reduces Cargo Ship Emissions by 17.3%

Innovative Strategy Reduces Cargo Ship Emissions by 17.3%
A groundbreaking approach known as the "Blue Visby Solution" has demonstrated significant reductions in cargo ship emissions during...

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Innovative Strategy Reduces Cargo Ship Emissions by 17.3%

A new approach known as the “Blue Visby Solution” has shown a significant decrease in cargo ship emissions during its initial trials, achieving a 17.3% reduction without any modifications to the ships themselves. This method focuses on smarter speed and timing management to eliminate inefficiencies, offering a simpler alternative to traditional decarbonization solutions. By slowing ships down to arrive just in time, fuel consumption and emissions are reduced. Recent trials confirmed these projections, recording CO2 reductions of 28.2% and 12.9% respectively, with an overall average reduction of 17.3%. The solution also offers additional benefits such as reduced hull fouling, improved air quality at ports, and lower underwater noise pollution. The Blue Visby Consortium has addressed the challenge of shifting from the deeply entrenched traditional practice by developing a benefit-sharing mechanism, incentivizing all stakeholders to participate. With continued trials and anticipated commercial deployment, this method holds promise for a more sustainable future in global shipping.

