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Increasing Aid From the US in the Indo-Pacific Region: Can It Outperform China? - The Geopolitics

Increasing Aid From the US in the Indo-Pacific Region: Can It Outperform China? - The Geopolitics
The US and China vie for influence in the Indo-Pacific through aid and investments, shaping regional dynamics. US focuses on prosperity, while China’s projects raise debt and environmental concerns.

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In the battle for influence in the Indo-Pacific, the United States and China are ramping up their aid efforts in the region. The US has significantly increased its aid to countries like Bangladesh, the Philippines, and Vietnam, focusing on areas such as healthcare, conservation, and sustainable development. Meanwhile, China has been expanding its footprint in the region through building contracts, non-financial investments, and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) projects. Despite China's current lead in aid volume, the US has a history of impactful projects and strategic alliances. The future diplomatic efforts of both nations will determine the trajectory of assistance diplomacy in the area, impacting larger geopolitical dynamics and strategic factors. The competition for power in the Indo-Pacific is complex, involving economic, geopolitical, and strategic factors, and the future of the region will depend on the diplomatic strategies of both the US and China.

