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IMF lowers global growth forecasts amid trade, Brexit uncertainties

IMF lowers global growth forecasts amid trade, Brexit uncertainties
WASHINGTON/SANTIAGO (Reuters) - The International Monetary Fund on Tuesday cut its forecast for global growth this year and next, warning that further U.S.-China tariffs or a disorderly exit for Britain from the European union could further slow growth, weaken investment and disrupt supply chains. The IMF said downside risks had intensified and it now expected global economic growth of 3.2% in 2019 and 3.5% in 2020, a drop of 0.1 percentage point for both years from its April forecast, and its fourth downgrade since October. The IMF slashed its forecast for growth in global trade by 0.9 percentage point to 2.5% in 2019.

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The International Monetary Fund has cut its forecast for global growth this year and next, citing further U.S.-China tariffs or a disorderly exit for Britain from the European Union as potential threats to the economy. The IMF now expects global economic growth of 3.2% in 2019 and 3.5% in 2020, down 0.1 percentage point for both years from its April forecast. The IMF also slashed its forecast for growth in global trade and warned of significant downside risks. The fund urged countries to work at the multilateral level to reduce trade tensions and end uncertainty about longstanding trade agreements.

