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Google defends AI search results after they told us to put glue on pizza

Google defends AI search results after they told us to put glue on pizza
Maybe you just asked bad questions?

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Google recently introduced AI search results in an effort to enhance the search experience for its users. However, the AI delivered bizarre and inaccurate results, such as suggesting putting glue on pizza and eating rocks. Google quickly removed some of the inaccurate results, but the damage had already been done. The company attributed the inaccurate results to "data voids" and strange queries from users. Google is now working to limit the appearance of nonsensical queries and satire in AI Overviews. The introduction of AI Overviews has been a public relations blunder for Google, as the company faces competition from other AI search startups. Despite the need to move quickly to compete, Google also needs to regain user trust after the AI Overviews debacle.

