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Georgian Dream Plays Geopolitics To Shore Up Support At Home

Georgian Dream Plays Geopolitics To Shore Up Support At Home
As Georgia's ruling party has taken a sharp turn toward authoritarianism and unleashed unprecedented rebukes of its Western partners, it has prompted speculation about the once unthinkable: a Georgian geopolitical shift toward Russia.

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The ruling party in Georgia is facing criticism for its shift towards authoritarianism and its recent rebukes of Western partners. This has led to speculation about a possible shift in Georgia's geopolitical stance towards Russia. However, analysts believe that this shift is primarily intended for domestic consumption ahead of the country's critical elections this fall. The ruling party is walking a delicate tightrope in its messaging, blaming the West for the country's issues while also trying to demonstrate that Georgia will benefit from its accommodating approach to Moscow. Speculation has arisen about a possible deal to secure the return of the territories of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which broke away from Georgia in the 1990s. However, a deal is unlikely due to Russia's formal recognition of the independence of these territories and the widespread popular opposition to Georgian rule in both regions. The ruling party's pitch to voters has incorporated anti-Western elements, but a pro-Russian orientation would face wide opposition. The ruling party has been accused of carrying out a "subconscious" campaign with plausible deniability, introducing the topic of a deal with Russia into the campaign without openly promising anything. However, the mockery from Moscow has seemingly ended this campaign.

