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Four Key Areas Tanzania’s Foreign Policy Should Prioritise - The Chanzo

Four Key Areas Tanzania’s Foreign Policy Should Prioritise - The Chanzo
Tanzania’s foreign policy should pivot around four key domains: peace and security, cyber security and intelligence, economic diplomacy, and cultural diplomacy, bolstering our soft power.

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Tanzania's Foreign Policy Review: Recommendations for Reform

In 2023, Tanzania began reviewing its foreign policy, leading to a comprehensive report with recommendations for reforming the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation. In response, January Makamba, who heads the docket, convened a public forum to gather input on proposed alterations to Tanzania’s foreign policy. The proposed changes aim to focus on peace and security, cyber security and intelligence, economic diplomacy, and cultural diplomacy to bolster the country's soft power.

The review also highlighted concerns about the infiltration of foreign agents into Tanzania's institutional framework, particularly in key government posts. Additionally, the need for a dedicated department focused on cybersecurity and intelligence was emphasized, as well as a shift in focus towards Asia for economic diplomacy.

The review also stressed the importance of leveraging Tanzania's soft power through cultural diplomacy, particularly by advancing the global expansion of Kiswahili. However, concerns were raised about the lack of institutionalization within Tanzania's foreign policy framework, where shifts occur based on the priorities of the incumbent top diplomat.

The review's recommendations aim to establish a legal framework that endures irrespective of leadership changes. The proposed changes seek to position Tanzania as a stronger player in the global arena, with a more focused and strategic foreign policy.

