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Foreign minister criticises president for declaring Poland's willingness to host US nuclear weapons

Foreign minister criticises president for declaring Poland's willingness to host US nuclear weapons
"I have asked the president not to discuss such delicate and secret matters in public, because it does not help Poland."

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Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski has criticized President Andrzej Duda for his recent remarks suggesting that Poland is willing to host US nuclear weapons. Sikorski accused the president of failing to consult with the foreign ministry on major foreign policy announcements. He expressed surprise at Duda’s recent appeal to Prime Minister Donald Tusk for Poland to use its upcoming presidency of the Council of the European Union to organize summits with the US and Ukraine. Sikorski also said that Duda had not consulted with the government before publicly calling for NATO to increase the recommended minimum defense spending for member states. The foreign minister emphasized that it is the government that decides foreign policy. This comes after Duda's recent meeting with former US President Trump, and Sikorski's meeting with General Keith Kellogg, who served in the Trump administration. The recent comments from Duda have prompted a response from Russia, who says it is "analyzing the situation" and will "take all necessary steps to ensure our security."

