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First look at Air4All economy wheelchair system, recliner model update

First look at Air4All economy wheelchair system, recliner model update
Air4All is showing off a brand new economy class version of their wheelchair restraint system at this year’s Aircraft Interiors Expo.

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Air4All, a consortium designing a revolutionary wheelchair seating system for aircraft, has unveiled a new economy class version of their wheelchair restraint system at the Aircraft Interiors Expo. This version allows wheelchair users to travel in their own chairs, eliminating the problematic transfer process and the risk of wheelchair damage by baggage handlers. The system flips up the aisle seat and the seat immediately adjacent to secure a wheelchair. The consortium is also working on TSO certification and is aiming to achieve it by the end of 2024 or the beginning of 2025. The entire Air4All consortium deserves praise for this solution, which will expand safe travel for wheelchair users.

