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Elections Explained: A Crossroads for Power and Policy in South Africa

Elections Explained: A Crossroads for Power and Policy in South Africa
Elections Explained: A Crossroads for Power and Policy in South Africa

Table of Contents

South Africa's upcoming national election is expected to bring significant changes to the country's political landscape. The ruling African National Congress (ANC) is facing the possibility of losing its parliamentary majority for the first time, as voters express frustration over economic stagnation, social issues, and crime. The ANC's internal factionalism has weakened the party, opening the door for new political players such as the Democratic Alliance (DA), the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), and uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) to gain ground. The election will also determine whether the country will continue with a center-left agenda or shift towards a more left-leaning or conservative approach. Regardless of the outcome, the election signifies a turning point for South Africa's domestic and international policies, as well as the future of the ANC.

