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During Visit to Ireland, Governor Hochul Announces SUNY Partnership With University College Cork to Advance Artificial Intelligence Research and Encourage International Collaboration in Education

During Visit to Ireland, Governor Hochul Announces SUNY Partnership With University College Cork to Advance Artificial Int...
Governor Hochul announced plans to encourage AI research and international collaboration in education with University College Cork.

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Governor Hochul Directs SUNY COIL to Partner with University College Cork to Advance AI Research and International Collaboration

Governor Kathy Hochul has announced plans to advance Artificial Intelligence research and encourage international collaboration in education by directing the State University of New York Collaborative Online International Learning Center to partner with University College Cork. This partnership marks the program's first collaboration with the National University of Ireland system. The SUNY COIL Network currently includes 197 institutions across the globe and 35 SUNY campuses and 8 CUNY campuses. The collaboration aims to encourage faculty and students to work together across countries to share and participate in instruction that fuels innovation across the SUNY COIL network. Additionally, SUNY Oneonta will dedicate resources to advance the integration and utilization of AI in the classroom and bolster international education. Governor Hochul's efforts further advance New York State as a leader in AI by engaging the international community and encouraging collaboration across the field among the next generation of leaders.

