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DoT CIO Calls Agency’s Safety, Cybersecurity Missions Inseparable

DoT CIO Calls Agency’s Safety, Cybersecurity Missions Inseparable
Department of Transportation (DoT) Secretary Pete Buttigieg always says that safety is the DoT’s “North Star.” According to the department’s top cyber and IT official, safety is no longer possible without cybersecurity.

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Department of Transportation (DoT) CIO Emphasizes Cybersecurity's Role in Safety

In a recent webinar, Department of Transportation (DoT) Chief Information Officer (CIO) Cordell Schachter highlighted the critical role of cybersecurity in ensuring the safety of the department's systems. Schachter emphasized the need for high availability, integrity, and accuracy in the department's systems, especially as emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) continue to develop.

Schachter also pointed out the challenge of technical debt in incorporating new technologies, stating that older systems may not be up to the task of defending against new threats. He stressed the importance of reducing technical debt to improve security and prepare for the next generation of technology.

While advocating for the Federal government to be a leader in emerging technologies like AI, Schachter also emphasized the need to manage risks. He outlined the department's strategy of using sandboxes to test new technologies before releasing them from the lab, ensuring that they are both fit for purpose and fit for use.

Overall, Schachter's remarks underscored the crucial link between cybersecurity and safety in the DoT's mission, emphasizing the need for a deliberate and cautious approach to adopting new technologies to prevent unintended consequences.

