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Domestic Uranium Enrichment Will Secure America's Energy Future

Domestic Uranium Enrichment Will Secure America's Energy Future
The pathway to a clean energy future relies on a robust, domestic commercial uranium fuel supply chain to power current and future nuclear reactors.

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The United States is taking steps to secure its energy future by fortifying its domestic commercial uranium fuel supply chain. This move is seen as crucial for the development of advanced nuclear reactors, which are considered to be a reliable, clean, and affordable solution for the country's energy needs. The reliance on a small number of foreign state-supported entities for uranium fuel supply has raised concerns about energy security, especially in light of recent geopolitical tensions. The U.S. Department of Energy has been allocated $2.72 billion to reduce the country's dependency on Russian uranium and to support the expansion of the domestic nuclear fuel supply chain. However, challenges remain, and swift action is needed to ensure the success of this initiative. The urgency of securing the energy and climate future amidst geopolitical tensions is emphasized, with the hope that this funding will pave the way for a more secure, sustainable, and reliable energy landscape.

