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CPA Business Execs Feel Less Optimistic About the Economy

CPA Business Execs Feel Less Optimistic About the Economy
After feeling extremely optimistic about the U.S. economy in Q1, that sentiment fell in Q2 due to a variety of factors, the AIPCA said.

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CPA Business Execs Less Optimistic About the Economy
A recent survey conducted by the AICPA & CIMA Economic Outlook Survey has revealed a decline in optimism among CPA business decision makers regarding the U.S. economy. Factors contributing to this decline include concerns about inflation, interest rates, and election-year uncertainty. The survey, which included 315 qualified responses from AICPA members, showed that only 35% of CPA business executives felt optimistic about the economy's prospects over the next 12 months, down from 43% in the previous quarter. The survey also highlighted other key findings, such as profit expectations and revenue growth. Despite these concerns, the hiring outlook remains strong, with 54% of business executives indicating plans for expansion over the next 12 months. The survey was conducted from May 7 to 28, 2024.

