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Courtroom Recording Software Hit by Supply Chain Attack

Courtroom Recording Software Hit by Supply Chain Attack
Attackers backdoored versions of widely used audiovisual recording software being distributed by Justice AV Solutions via its official download site. Experts say

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Courtroom Recording Software Hit by Supply Chain Attack

A widely used audiovisual recording software has been targeted by attackers who added a backdoor to the software. This software is used in courtrooms, classrooms, and interrogation rooms. The attackers executed a supply chain attack against AV Solutions, swapping a legitimate version of the company's signed software for a version with a backdoor. The vulnerability in the software can be remotely exploited by an attacker to fully compromise an endpoint. JAVS, the provider of the software, is urging all customers to patch their JAVS Viewer software by updating to version 8.3.9 or higher. The attack appears to have first been spotted by a social network account holder, and the chain of events that led to identifying the supply chain attack began on May 10. The backdoored version of the software is signed with an Authenticode certificate issued in the name of another company. The malicious backdoor appears to be based on the GateDoor and RustDoor malware. The malware may be the work of a ransomware-as-a-service operation affiliate.

