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Column: US Foreign Service deserve public’s attention and support

Column: US Foreign Service deserve public’s attention and support
The centennial of the Foreign Service Act of 1924, which established the United States diplomatic service as we know it today, will occur on May 24. It is an anniversary that will go largely unnoticed because few Americans know what the Foreign...

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The centennial of the Foreign Service Act of 1924, which established the United States diplomatic service, is approaching, but few Americans are aware of the significance of this milestone. The Foreign Service, consisting of 16,000 members, plays a crucial role in representing American interests abroad, with members serving in various capacities such as diplomats, aid workers, and security agents. Despite the importance of the Foreign Service, government spending on international affairs is minimal compared to defense and intelligence. This has resulted in resource challenges and unfilled positions overseas. However, investing in diplomacy is cost-effective and crucial for addressing global threats and challenges. As such, there is a growing need for a stronger commitment to foreign affairs and robust support for international affairs from Congress to ensure national security.

