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Christian Supremacy and U.S. Politics: An Interview With Theologian André Gagné

Christian Supremacy and U.S. Politics: An Interview With Theologian André Gagné

Table of Contents

Theologian André Gagné has written a comprehensive overview of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and its threat to democracy in the United States. The NAR is a global, Christian movement that seeks to restructure society, culture, religion, and politics to fit its authoritarian vision. NAR leaders believe in engaging in spiritual warfare to fulfill their agendas and view other religious traditions and even other Christian churches as demonic. They aim to dominate every nation and control all aspects of society. Gagné's work explores the NAR's growth and its impact on the United States and other countries. He explains how the NAR's political theology of power, known as dominion, poses a menace to democracy and pluralism. The NAR's aggressive takeover of churches and its anti-democratic, anti-intellectual, and exclusive nature make it a challenge to other Christians and a threat to democracy. Gagné emphasizes the urgency of understanding and addressing the NAR's influence, especially given its ties to political power and its potential for violence. He also highlights the need for a sea change in the way we think of race, politics, and religion to successfully address the authoritarian, Christian supremacist threat posed by the NAR.

