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Chinese Exports Rebound, Container Shortage on China-South America Route

Chinese Exports Rebound, Container Shortage on China-South America Route
EqualOcean has learned that the demand in the shipping market from China to South America has surged suddenly after the May Day holiday.

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Demand for shipping from China to South America has surged after the May Day holiday, causing limited container space and skyrocketing prices. Shipping companies are struggling to meet the demand, with container space fully booked until the end of June. This sudden surge in demand is attributed to peak seasons for South American exports and increased demand in the Argentine market. The expansion of China-Latin America freight routes is providing logistics support for this trade. The latest container freight index shows a significant increase in prices, while the Chinese National Bureau of Statistics announced that the manufacturing purchasing managers' index for April remained in the expansion zone, indicating a rebound in Chinese exports.

