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China’s Chang’e 6 Moon Mission Is a Game Changer

China’s Chang’e 6 Moon Mission Is a Game Changer
China’s bid to return lunar samples from the far side of the Moon will have long-term strategic and geopolitical implications.

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China's Chang'e 6 mission, launched on May 3, aims to retrieve lunar samples from the far side of the Moon and bring them back to Earth. The mission, one of China's most challenging, targets the South Pole, Aitkin basin of the Moon and carries an orbiter, lander, ascender, and reentry module. The mission is seen as a significant step in China's ambition to establish a permanent presence on the Moon and become a global leader in space exploration. The success of the mission would also have major strategic and geopolitical implications, challenging the Western-led international order and showcasing China's diplomatic and technological prowess. China's space success is part of its comprehensive national power-building strategy, with the ultimate goal of emerging as a technological leader by 2049.

