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China & Russia strengthen friendship, blasting Western ‘neocolonialism’ & US militarism

China & Russia strengthen friendship, blasting Western ‘neocolonialism’ & US militarism
Putin met with Xi Jinping in Beijing, where China and Russia released a joint statement blasting Western

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China and Russia have strengthened their alliance in response to increasing sanctions from the United States. In a joint statement commemorating the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations, the two countries condemned Western "colonialism and hegemonism" and called for a more multipolar world. They also expressed support for de-dollarization and the expansion of BRICS. Additionally, they pledged to deepen military cooperation, increase trade in local currencies, and strengthen multilateral organizations like the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The joint statement also criticized US militarism and "Cold War thinking" and opposed the militarization of space. Furthermore, China and Russia called for financial support from developed countries to address climate change and proposed working together to develop documents addressing environmental pollution. The joint statement also addressed the issue of US borrowing money from the Fed and the potential collapse of the US financial economic system.

