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Brewers Association gets $2M USDA grant for craft beer exports

Brewers Association gets $2M USDA grant for craft beer exports
The Brewers Association has secured a $2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Regional Agricultural Promotion Program.

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The Brewers Association (BA) has secured a $2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) as part of the new Regional Agricultural Promotion Program (RAPP) to develop new export markets for American craft beer. The USDA is allocating $300 million overall to boost demand for American food and farm exports in high-potential markets globally. The grant will be used for education, market research, advertising, and showcasing U.S. beers at international trade shows, festivals, and competitions in Europe, Latin America, and the Asia Pacific. American craft beer exports have increased 1,400 percent since 2004, with a 2020 value estimated at $66 million. The grant presents a significant opportunity for the BA to tap into burgeoning craft beer markets overseas and create substantial inroads for American brewing ingenuity.

