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Artificial Intelligence and Climate Change: More than meets the eye | CTech

Artificial Intelligence and Climate Change: More than meets the eye | CTech
“Just like any technology, the key question with AI is how it’s used,” writes OurCrowd’s Ron Stern

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In his opinion piece, Ron Stern, General Partner and Head of Portfolio Management at OurCrowd, discusses the impact of artificial intelligence on climate change. He acknowledges the concerns about the energy consumption and potential misuse of AI, but also highlights the potential for AI to play a significant role in addressing environmental challenges. Stern points out examples of how AI can contribute to environmental solutions, such as in the AgTech sector and in monitoring water and sewage networks. He also discusses the potential for AI to be leveraged for carbon dioxide fixation. Stern emphasizes that the key question with AI is how it's used, and if relevant stakeholders combine forces, Israel can play a central role in this technological revolution.

